Safeguarding your property and the people within it during a fire emergency requires the right fire extinguisher. With various types designed for different fire classes, selecting the appropriate one is paramount. Using the wrong extinguisher can exacerbate the situation or pose risks to individuals attempting to extinguish the fire.

Here at Darley Fire Protection, we recognise the significance of equipping your premises with the correct fire extinguisher. Our team of certified and regulated engineers specialises in supplying, installing, and commissioning a wide array of fire extinguishers tailored to your specific requirements. From water and foam to CO2, powder, and wet chemical extinguishers, we provide solutions for various fire hazards.

In addition to installation, our services encompass fire extinguisher servicing and maintenance to uphold their operational integrity. Regular inspections and upkeep play a vital role in identifying potential faults and ensuring that your extinguishers are primed for immediate use during an emergency.

With our wealth of expertise, we offer expert guidance on selecting the most suitable fire extinguisher for your premises and ensure their proper placement in accordance with relevant regulations and standards.

Darley Fire Protection is your one-stop solution for all your fire extinguisher needs. From supply and installation to maintenance services, we guarantee your property’s readiness in the event of a fire outbreak.

Contact us today for expert advice and safeguard your property against fire risks.